Thats me, number 1.
Still no heart beat.... Its a Powell thing.
Another celebrating drink.Caution all low flying aircrafts...
So thursday nights are back, 2 games of 5 a side then race to the Chase. As per normal, todays driver Nick Powell was running late. This is normal so when he says 8.30 he means 8.40. We get there just in time. Well not enough time for a quick beer but the game had not started. We won our first game, had a few beers then played our second game. We were shit, i forgot the score in fact, except all i know is Al scored so the score did not matter. It was a bit of right place right time but he scored. This happens at most once a year. So n ow another year before the next one. After we celebrated with a few beers, not any different if we lost actually. The owner of the arena wanted some work done so me and Nick went to look at the job. It was in the fitness area in a seperate room. Inside was a bed and a load of cables and pads so Nick decided to play dead as i charged up to 300 and zapped him. At the time it was funny.... So now we set off for the Chase pub for a few more drinks, first a few beers followed by the obligatory Coorkys. After 3 each it was closing time and like normal Nick did his Party trick. Nathan had never seen this and then realised the lad had a problem. He calls it talent but im not so sure!!!!! Then we split and go our seperate ways..... Result.